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THERMOLIPOLYSIS: a detoxification tool that helps to lose weight

Body detox tool and therapeutic method,thermolypolysis is used for the treatment of stress and chronic pain, as well as to eliminate cellulite, lose weight and repair damaged tissues.

Fruit of a rich past of therapeutic experiences, thermolipolysis was discovered in Japan in 1965 by Dr. Tadashi Ishikawa. For many years, it was the preserve of the hospital world. Many treatments were provided, among others, at the famous Mayo Clinic where doctors were able to establish not only its therapeutic value, but also its safety.

The health effects of this powerful body detox tool go far beyond simply relieving stress, fatigue, chronic pain, arthritis, muscle stiffness and respiratory problems.

Thermolipolysis also exerts its therapeutic virtues on theweight control, elimination of cellulite, repair of sore tissues, strengthening of the immune system, improvement of blood circulation and skin quality.

What is Thermolipolysis?

Thermolipolysis uses infrared and heat whose many properties have been noted by many health specialists. The great strength of this technology is the invisible radiation that allows muscle tissue resonance, increases cell function and blood circulation, and improves the cardiovascular and immune systems.

Infrared and heat has the ability to penetrate the body and warm the organism. The body is stimulated directly by the heat of the radiation, without increasing the ambient temperature. Crossing the dermis up to 4 cm deep, the heating occurs at the heart of the muscle tissue and causes substantial sweating.

Used at a controlled temperature over a period of more than 20 minutes, thermolipolysis promotes sweating while increasing heart rate and blood and lymphatic circulation. Consequently, this therapy encourages the elimination of toxins, heavy metals and generates a loss of calories.

The effects are felt from the first treatment, because thermolipolysis has the ability to strengthen the immune system and relax the most stressed people. It helps restore health and sleep.

The effect of sweating, due to the high temperature of the body, has the consequence of increasing the heart rate of the body, thus accelerating the blood flow. A 20-minute session would result inloss of 300 to 600 calories, the equivalent of 20 minutes of running at the speed of a marathon runner. Thermolipolysis would therefore facilitate weight control and contribute to slimming the silhouette.

Cellulite Treatment

The thermal effect of thermolipolysis acts on the surface fats, which makes it possible to dissolve the fatty deposits which are deeply indurated in the system. We will also be able to stimulate the metabolism, thus promoting the reduction of cellulite and fatty deposits.



Elimination of toxins

During a session of thermolipolysis, blood circulation increases and the sweat glands help eliminate toxic metals and pollutants such; lead, mercury, zinc and nickel. It is stated that it is possible to expel up to 97% of heavy metals in addition to alcohol, nicotine, sulfuric acid, sodium and cholesterol.

The toxins are evacuated by the skin during sweating and we can even hope to eliminate certain parasites and some bacteria. This process embodies a real revolution for the detoxification of the human body daily attacked by thousands of polluting agents.

Improved immune system

Infrared and heat raise body heat and create an artificial fever which in turn activates the immune system. This process, combined with the elimination of toxins and waste through perspiration, strengthens the body's resistance to disease and promotes overall health.

Relief of muscle pain

Thermolipolysis has antispasmodic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Infrared and heat rays offer better penetration and can reach the source of pain in the treatment of inflammation or sore muscles. This treatment is beneficial forsoothe muscular, articulatory and rheumatic pains, fibromyalgia and relieve heavy legs.

Reduce stress and fatigue

Thermolipolysis and heat relax all the muscles of the body, which eliminates the tensions and stress of everyday life.

Contraindications of thermolipolysis

Thermolipolysis has few contraindications. Most people can therefore afford a session and benefit from its benefits. Thermolipolysis is ideal for people who cannot stand the heat, since the infrared and the heat directly warm the body without increasing the ambient heat.

Thermolipolysis isnot recommended for pregnant women and people taking medication for hypertension. People who have joint problems from a recent injury should wait for symptoms of warming up and swelling to subside before signing up for a session.

The benefitsthermolipolysis

  • Improves body contour
  • Firms and tones
  • Reduces stress, tension, joint pain
  • Activates blood and lymphatic circulation
  • Burn calories
  • Reduces leg heaviness and fatigue


  • Air-massage: 15-30 minutes
    • Relaxing massage
    • slimming massage
  • Infrared heat: 20-30 mins

Technical data:

  • Voltage: AC 110V 220V 230V 240V
  • Frequency: 50Hz 60Hz
  • Power:150W
  • Device size: 14 x 49 x 33cm.
  • package size: 55 x 40 x 30cm.
  • Grossweight: 10.5 Kg approx.


  • Device
  • 2 arm cuffs
  • 2 leg cuffs
  • 1 waist cuff
  • tubing
  • power cable
  • User's manual


1.177,00 CHFPrice
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